Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Jack's Top Twenty-Five Movies

Matt Dillon and Thandie Newton in "Crash"

As of January 23rd these are my top 25 Favorite films favorite films.

1. Fargo (1996) - Coen Bros.
2. No Country for Old Men (2007) - Coen Bros.
3. The Departed (2006) - Martin Scorsese
4. Goodfellas (1990) - Martin Scorsese
5. Crash (2006) - Paul Haggis
6. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) - Sidney Lumet
7. The Deer Hunter (1978) - Michael Cimino
8. Brazil (1985) - Terry Gilliam
9. Schindler’s List (1993) - Steven Spielberg
10. Pulp Fiction (1994) - Quentin Tarantino
11. Das Boot (1981) - Wolfgang Peterson
12. Pan’s Layrinth (2006) - Guiermo del Toro
13. Barton Fink (1991) - Coen Bros.
14. Reservoir Dogs (1992) - Quentin Tarantino
15. Munich (2005) - Steven Spielberg
16. The French Connection (1971) - William Friedkin
17. Full Metal Jacket (1987) - Stanley Kubrick
18. Miller’s Crossing (1990) - Coen Bros.
19. Chinatown (1974) - Roman Polanski
20. The Pianist (2002) - Roman Polanski
21. Collateral (2004) - Michael Mann
22. Sin City (2005) - Robert Rodriguez
23. Rosemary’s Baby (1969) - Roman Polanski
24. The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) - Martin Scorsese
25. The Devil's Advocate (1997) - Taylor Hackford


Seamus Conley said...

1. Apocalypse Now
2. Brazil
3. The Matrix
4. Sin City
5. Rosemary's Baby
6. Schindler's List
7. The Big Lebowski
8. Pulp Fiction
9. The Godfather
10. The Shining
Based completely on personal preference.

Renn Bauhan said...

nice, the only ones I haven't seen are Brazil, Rosemary's Baby, and Pulp Fiction

Seamus Conley said...

i see you enjoyed no country for old men -
ill have to watch it soon

Seamus Conley said...

top 25 -
1. apocalypse now,
2. brazil,
3. the matrix,
4. sin city,
5. rosemary's baby,
6. schindler's list,
7. the big lebowski,
8. pulp fiction,
9. the godfather trilogy,
10. the shining,
11. lord of the rings trilogy,
12. the departed,
13. full metal jacket,
14. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,
15. 12 angry men,
16. a clockwork orange,
17. north by northwest,
18. chinatown,
19. starwars,
20. indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark,
21. alien,
22. blade runner,
23. eastern promises,
24. the silence of the lambs,
25. the devil's advocate,

Renn Bauhan said...

dude.. your an idiot. did you happen to notice what number 13 is?? Its Reservoir Dogs. Oh, and will you look at that. Look what number 19 is.....
Doesn't it seem a strange coincidence that 19 and 13 are THE SAME??

haha, I'm just bustin your balls dude

Seamus Conley said...

haha yeah renn, i noticed that too.
he has the deer hunter down twice as well.
so he has two spots on the list open....
wonder what they'll be?